MegaDental Implant Learning Center

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Why Dental Implants?

Are you interested in dental implants? If you are suffering from one or more missing teeth, dental implants could be a permanent solution for your teeth. Durable and long-lasting, dental implants can make a big difference in restoring your smile! If you want dental implants in Willow Grove, PA, call today for a free implant consultation. Get your questions answered and find out if you are a candidate for dental implants!


  • The first step is finding out if you are a good candidate for dental implants. Dr. Plotnik will examine your smile, check your jaw bone and other related factors to ensure that your smile will be fit for dental implants. You can schedule a free implant consultation to get the process started.

  • Dental implants are made to last for many years, and often for a lifetime! Dr. Plotnik will check your implants at regular check-ups for any needed repairs or upkeep. Dental implants are meant to be a permanent solution for your missing teeth.

  • Yes! Depending on your dental needs, dental implants can be used to replace several teeth. Dr. Plotnik can examine your teeth to see which treatment is best for restoring your smile. If dental implants are recommended, they are one of the durable, long-lasting options for replacing missing teeth.

  • Some dental insurances will cover partial or full costs of dental implants. We encourage our patients to call their dental insurance to determine their coverage. We are more than happy to help you find out what coverage options are available for implant treatment.

Why Consider Dental Implants?

Missing teeth can making eating difficult and can even impact the way you talk. By replacing your missing teeth, dental implants will make your life easier.

Missing teeth can make the surrounding teeth shift and cause deterioration in your jaw bone. Implants will save your smile from long-term damage.

Your implant will be indistinguishable from your other teeth! No one will ever know that you were ever missing a tooth. Dental implants blend in with your smile and are designed to look and feel just like a real tooth.

Self-confidence could suffer when you aren’t happy with your smile. There is nothing like the feeling of getting your smile back! Dental implants fully restore your smile.